Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
God's Miracles - Milagres de Deus !!!
I have a story that will make you very happy.
Do you know that our family at the Waterfall now has material to build their home?
On the 1st of August I was there with the staff of TLC (Pastoral Centre of the Earth), a body attached to the Diocese of Afogados da Ingazeira. To celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Diocese, the Bishop, is donating material to construct 50 houses in rural areas for families who have nowhere to live. They came to see this family's situation for themselves and agreed to help them. I have no words to describe the emotion experienced by all involved - except tears of happiness.
The owner of the land was consulted and they donated the land for the house to be built. The deadline to get the home finished is September. All the material has already been purchased.
I am thinking of people who could help Mr. Cicero build their home.
Each day God has given us evidence of his mercy, his infinite love.
With love,
Tenho uma notícia que lhe fará muito feliz.
Sabe aquela nossa família lá do Cachoeira, foi contemplada com o material para construir seu lar. Então, hoje estive lá om o pessoal da CPT (Centro Pastoral da Terra), um orgão ligado a Diocese de Afogados da Ingazeira. O Bispo em comemoração o jubileu de ouro da Diocese (+- isso) está doando 50 casas na zona rural (o material para a construção) para famílias que não tem onde morar. Eles viram de perto a situação e aprovaram. Não tenho palavras que possa traduzir a emoção que foi, todos choramos de felicidade.
O dono da terra foi consultado na hora e doou a terreno para a casa ser construída. O prazo pra terminar a casa é até setembro, o material já está todo comprado.
Estou pensando em buscar pessoas pra nos Domingos fazer um mutirão e ajudar Sr. Cícero a construir seu lar.
Cada dia Deus tem nos dado provas da sua misericórdia, do seu amor infinito.
Com carinho,
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
1. Ivaneide has announced there will be a new action taking place shortly. The plan is to train people who don't have work to become housekeepers.
2. Prior to 'EXPO-SERRA' in July, exhibitors will be asked to support the PROJETO VIVER project by displaying a poster on their stand. This may roll-out to include all traders in Serra Talhada.
Watch this space for more information.
2. Prior to 'EXPO-SERRA' in July, exhibitors will be asked to support the PROJETO VIVER project by displaying a poster on their stand. This may roll-out to include all traders in Serra Talhada.
Watch this space for more information.
Friday, May 23, 2008

Dona Vilma Jurubeba (2nd left)
Dona Vilma Jurubeba, Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura, Serra Talhada, confirmed today that she has visited the family featured in this Blog last month.
She learned there are thirteen children eligible for schooling in that area. She was concerned that these children had to walk for three hours each way to and from school along a difficult path and she was especially concerned they had to cross a very dangerous main road to get to their school.
It is very good news indeed that she has agreed to recruit a teacher, convert this family's house into a community school and she will build a new house for the family to live in.
So, well done Dona Vilma!! Fantastic news!!
(I shall use Google Translate to report this in Portuguese).
Dona Vilma Jurubeba, Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura, Serra Talhada, confirmou hoje que ela já visitou a família destaque neste blog no mês passado.
Ela aprendeu, há treze crianças podem beneficiar de escolaridade nessa área. Ela estava em causa que estas crianças tinham que caminhar durante três horas para cada curso e da escola ao longo de um caminho difícil e ela estava especialmente interessado, tiveram de atravessar uma muito perigosa estrada principal para chegar à sua escola.
É muito boa notícia de que ela tenha acordado para o recrutamento de um professor, converter esta casa da família em uma comunidade escolar e que ela irá construir uma nova casa para nossa família.
Então, Dona Vilma bem feito! Fantastic notícia!
Projeto Viver,
Serra Talhada,
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Ação Ajuda - 05/04/2008
Ação Ajuda (29 March and 5 April): This family has 7 children under 6 years of age including 2 year old twins and a 2 week old baby. The mother has post-natal depression. At 4 a.m. two of the children are walked to school by their father as it takes 3 hours to get there. School ends at 11 a.m. and they return home at 2 p.m.. Then their father washes clothes and later the boys help him to plant corn and beans in the field. They have one basic meal every day at 8 p.m. There have no house (this one is loaned to them), little furniture, no cooker, few clothes and no running water. Please help PROJETO VIVER to help them. © 2007-2008 PROJETO VIVER Serra Talhada
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